
How to Set Up an LDAP Server for User Authentication

What is LDAP?

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an open, vendor-neutral protocol used for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services. Commonly used for user authentication, LDAP organizes data in a hierarchical structure and allows centralized authentication for users and services.


  1. A Linux server with root privileges.
  2. Basic knowledge of Linux commands.
  3. Access to a domain name (optional for naming).
  4. Installed sudo and apt, yum, or equivalent package managers.

Step 1: Install OpenLDAP

On Ubuntu/Debian

  1. Update the system:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. Install the OpenLDAP server and client utilities:
    sudo apt install slapd ldap-utils -y
  3. During installation, you’ll be prompted to set an admin password for LDAP. Provide a strong password.
  4. Reconfigure slapd (if needed):
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd

    Follow the prompts to set your domain name, organization name, and other parameters.


  1. Install the OpenLDAP server and client utilities:
    sudo yum install openldap openldap-servers openldap-clients -y
  2. Start and enable the slapd service:
    sudo systemctl start slapd
    sudo systemctl enable slapd
  3. Set an admin password:
    sudo ldappasswd -s your_password -W -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -x

    Replace your_password with a strong password and modify the domain components (dc).

Step 2: Configure LDAP

1. Generate Password Hash

Generate a hashed password for secure storage:


Enter your desired password twice. Copy the resulting hash.

2. Modify LDAP Configuration

Edit the LDAP configuration file to define your domain structure and admin credentials.

  • Create a configuration file (e.g., base.ldif):
    dn: dc=example,dc=com
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: dcObject
    objectClass: organization
    o: Example Organization
    dc: example
    dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
    objectClass: organizationalRole
    objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
    cn: admin
    userPassword: {SSHA}hashed_password
    description: LDAP Administrator

    Replace example with your domain name and hashed_password with the output from slappasswd.

  • Add the configuration:
    sudo ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f base.ldif

3. Add Organizational Units

Create an ou.ldif file to define organizational units (OUs):

dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: People

dn: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Groups

Add the file:

sudo ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f ou.ldif

Step 3: Add Users and Groups

1. Add a Group

Create a group.ldif file:

dn: cn=developers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: developers
gidNumber: 5000

Add the group:

sudo ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f group.ldif

2. Add a User

Create a user.ldif file:

dn: uid=jdoe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
cn: John Doe
sn: Doe
uid: jdoe
uidNumber: 10000
gidNumber: 5000
homeDirectory: /home/jdoe
userPassword: {SSHA}hashed_password
loginShell: /bin/bash

Add the user:

sudo ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f user.ldif

Step 4: Test the LDAP Server

1. Search LDAP Entries

Use ldapsearch to query your LDAP server:

ldapsearch -x -LLL -b "dc=example,dc=com" -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -W

2. Authenticate Users

Test authentication for a specific user:

ldapwhoami -x -D "uid=jdoe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" -W

Step 5: Configure LDAP Client for Authentication

1. Install Required Packages

On client machines:

  • Ubuntu/Debian:
    sudo apt install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap ldap-utils
  • CentOS/RHEL:
    sudo yum install nss-pam-ldapd

2. Configure LDAP Authentication

  • Update /etc/nsswitch.conf to include LDAP:
    passwd: files ldap

group: files ldap shadow: files ldap

- Test with:
getent passwd


Setting up an LDAP server provides centralized authentication and user management for your organization. By following this guide, you can configure OpenLDAP, add users and groups, and integrate it with client systems. For enhanced security, consider enabling TLS for encrypted communication.

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